Thursday 30 September 2010

Comic, Video Anime. Semua ada di sini

Yang suka comic, watch anime, manga dan lain-lain. lihat lah website ini.
Baca komik, download video anime, dan lain-lain
Datanglah ke websit ini.


Wednesday 29 September 2010


Wow, today was the choir competition and I can not believe that we got the third place!!!!!!
I just want to say thank you for the teachers who had help us to win in the third place and I also want to thank you all who had support us when in the competition. In overall we did great and we did our best to do this thing. Of course we have a lot of wrongs but we did our best anyway. Also, I want to thank the soccer team to do their best in the soccer competition which they lose which is just you know normal. But they did their really best.


Yaay and no!!!!!

Today, we won the choir competition and we got 3rd place!
But, sadly, we lose in the soccer competition.


what we did today?

Today we did B.I (writing new words for kosakata 1 Unit 2
We did sports (gorback sodor).
Discussing why miss has a sore throat.
We did maths (fractions, changing a fraction into a decimal).
For the soccer team they had to practice for the competition against SBR.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Vist this website too

If you want to know more about Solids liquids and gases go to:


PSE-positive comments

Description: Some of the pictures are my friends positive comments. So we have to write our positive comments of our friends in the subjects of PSE or values education.Each of us have to write only one comment. In this lesson we learn how to write a detailed and great positive comments and also we learn about how to be healthy in mind.


silent reading!

Description: My friends and I are silent reading when they are having their work done or having a free time. Also there is the pictures of our unit two books. Anyway, I want to tell my central idea in unit 2. The central idea of unit 2 is understanding the properties and behavior of solids, liquids and gases helps us to use them to our advantage. Our trans disciplinary theme is how the world works and our lines of inquiry are:
1. The properties of solids, liquids and gases.
2. How the state of substances can be changed.
3. The uses of substances in different states.

Monday 27 September 2010


in english we have to make a questionnare, then we have to give out those questionnare to people in tunas muda. we make tose questionnare so that we can find out how healthy is people in tunas muda.... I worked with carla..we just need to type the questionnare then the questionnare are ready to be given out... i am quite stress...hhaha!

by: angie-5a
ps: the "why are the ice caps melting" and "communicator" thing is made by me!

what do we learn ? carla calista

hmmm ..

what do we learn ?

in maths we learn fractons ! yeaaaaa ..
in english we make a questionaire ..
in BI we present our project INSTRUKSI PEMAKAIAN
in art we paint ! yesssss ! i like it ..
in mandarin lao shi tells storry
in music we play our friend's own made music

i like it ALL !!!!!!!!!!
done ! :)

made by : Calista


information computer technology by kenny

At the unit 1 my project is only find 5 healthy food and drink. I have finished but I have to find the information. I thought that i don't have to find the information, only the 5 food and drink. so I have to find it in order to my teachers requirement.

5A from the beginning

At the beginning of unit 1 i think it will be a big unit just like any other unit and i think i is interesting and fun. the are so many thing i don't know and i found out. Unit 2 will be a new unit.

Miko 5A 27-9-2010

Picturezz of Wall Magazine Competition

Hey, everyone, check this out !! ^^


I copied some of the activities in the website that Ms. Astri gave us, so you guys may play it here!






What do being a Communicator person means?

What do being a communicator person means?

It means communicating with everyone, not only the people you know. You can communicate with people u don’t know so that you can make more friends, or you communicate so people will understand you more clearly. So being a communicator is very important, you also have to communicate in a nice/right way.

Why are the ICE CAPS melting?

This story is about Global Warming. I will explain what is global warming and how do we help making less global warming.

Global Warming is when there is too much gases like: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorocarbons. This gases form an invisible cover that holds the heat of the sun. So less heat escapes and more heat reflect back to earth. That’s why the ice caps are melting.

We can help prevent Global Warming by:
1. Don’t burn coal and oil
2. Plant more trees
3. Don’t use aerosol spray à it releases fluorocarbons
4. Don’t throw garbage in wrong places
5. Turn off electronic things when you don’t need them
6. If you and your friends or family going to the same destination, you can share carsà that’s called carpooling.
7. Don’t cut trees, because it breaths carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, that’s all

For more information please read :
“ICE CAPS MELTING? (The Dangers of Global Warming)”


You're probably wondering why I am saying pa.Well because I read this book "The bottle mystery". Pa is the old man with a long beard(right) and boy(left). This book is about a boy finding a mysterious bottle.The bottle had a strange neck and had a marble inside. How does the marble get in there I asked to myself. First he asked his Dad, but his dad had no single clue of what the bottle was. Then he (boy) asked Grandma. Grandma holds the bottle and jiggle/goyang the bottle and the marble went out. But still grandma could not tell much information. Asked you're grandpa she said. Pa is now the short word for grandpa. Then pa tell me a clue he was going to let me figure out it for myself. i forgot what the clue is but later boy discovered that it was made like that for a cap/lid for fizzy drink. They use that way because long ago in 1929-1930 they don't have caps/lids. So they use this by first trying to get the marble to stuck between the to holder so we can drink.

Not clear enough read the book.

Apa yang kami pelajari di pelajaran BI?

Di pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia, kami membawa instruksi pemakaian atau penyajian. Kami lalu menempelkannya di satu lembar kertas. Setelah itu, kami menempelkan lembar- lembar itu di kertas asturo, membacanya dan berdiskusi di kelompok kita apakah ini jelas atau tidak jelas. Kami juga menulis alasannya mengapa instruksi ini jelas atau tidak jelas. Selain itu kami juga membuat KWL (know, what, and learn) dalam pelajaran bahasa indonesia kami juga mengisi lembaran tentang karangan deskriptif. Hasil pekerjaan kita ada di atas paragraf ini.

Wall Magazine Competition

Yesterday was a fun and tired day at school.My team and other team compete each other.The theme for this wall magazine was recycling around us so we tell about recycling.Esther's team work was beautiful, for me the other school work was also beautiful.Even though my team work is little bit ruined because of the decoration and the placing of the information.But all of us has try our best, I don't care if I don't win.The important thing is we get fun there!TEEHEE....


Sunday 26 September 2010

Visit this website!

Hi, kids!
If you have spare time at home, please visit and play fun games in this website:

You'll learn more about solids, liquids, and gases in a fun way!
Good luck! Don't forget to post a comment and share what you've learned.
If you know some useful and related-to-the-theme websites, don't hesitate to share it with us. Ok?!

-Ms. A-

Friday 24 September 2010


Horee today is TMIS cup I wanted to watch but. I also can watch it tomorrow because I had a wall magazine competition. Please bless me so my team caould win.

Thursday 23 September 2010

Thx a bunch Reina

thx for uploading pics to this blog sorry if i don't help. THX A BUNCH


Tuesday 21 September 2010

Realy Important!

Guys listen this is very important! Every time you wrote a comment or publish a post or do anything, don't forget to write your name!
Never ever write comments that are silly or hurting other people's feelings. If not, you will get into a gigantic big problem with the experts like me and Adel! hehehe

I am active again!

Whatzup friends i am active again hhe! I am now refresh from my holiday! I like it so much. And for the moslem people I like to say "Mohon maaf lahir dan batin" and I also want to say" Selamat hari Idul Fitri!

Monday 20 September 2010


Thanks a bunch for uploading those cool pics during the holiday!
I enjoy reading your description of cool things we did in class! (especially about the cool teacher, ;P). Two thumbs up!

Thanks to ADEL also who tried to help with the blog, but unfortunately she went earlier on her holiday. (pssssttt...thanks for teaching me to use the blog. *wink!)

Ok, who's next?

-Ms. A-

Tuesday 7 September 2010

The world's blog record!

Wow! I didn't realize that I posted the most posts in only 2 days! That is why I am so tired!

PS: Friends! If you already have an experience in blog postings, please help me next time. Contact me, okay.



Why only a little amount of people start to do posting in the blog!!!!!!!!!!!???????????
Is everybody busy!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????
How many people started posting!!!!!!!!!!!??????????
I am very angry!!!!!!!!!!
I am also the only follower!!!!!!!!!!!
What is the use of making this blog if nobody started posting!!!!!!!!!?????????


Monday 6 September 2010


I am so super duper realy tired. I sit in front of the computer for 3 hours everyday just to upload photos to the blog. I am finally done! Next time, can anybody help me please!


The students!

These are the students in our class.

Poster IPA

Di pelajaran IPA, kami membuat poster. Pertama, kami membaca artikel yang di berikan oleh Ms. Astri, lalu kami memperpendek informasi yang di artikel itu dan menulisnya di kertas asturo. Kelompok Vitamin membuat poster tentang protein dan air, kelompok sayur- sayuran membuat poster tentang karbohidrat, kelompok mineral membuat poster tentang vitamin,
dan kelompok buah- buahan membuat poster tentang mineral.


Whole Numbers Counting

Our maths project is to make a poster about the food wrappers we brought to school. We made a graph and some maths operation. We also rewrite them in a gigantic astro paper. Here are the results.


Interviewing people poster!

We interviewed people about keeping healthy and these are the results after we finished interviewing people and making the poster.

End Of Unit One Presentation!

Finally, we come to the end of unit one! But, that doesn't mean we can relax all day long! We have to present to other classes about keeping healthy. We can present in many kinds of ways like making a puppet show, power point presentation, role play, etc. We must present our work to other classes except for 5L. I was a little bit afraid at that time.

This is Minerals Group! They are having a power point presentation and a puppet show. They are presenting there work to year 7C. Austin, Felix, Dion, Stella, and I are in Mineral group. The leading class teacher in 7C is Ms. Caroline and she gave us the highest score! Yaay! Even though there are troubles during the presentation, we did well.

Down here is all of the photos of Vegetables Group Presentation. They did a power point presentation. By the way, Minerals and Vegetables group presented there works on Tuesday, 31st of August 2010. Vegetables group presented there work at 13.10 and Minerals group presented there work on 13.30.

Saturday 4 September 2010

Hey, Adel!

Can you please help me with my job in uploading photos please?


Mandarin Presentation

We had a mandarin presentation in class. We must memorize the first paragraph of the lesson San Zhi Xiao Yang, if we can do it we get +10 points, but if we can't do it we will get -5 points. This is Austin doing his presentation in front of the class on Tuesday, 31st of August 2010. Some of us did the presentation on Wednesday, 1st of September 2010 because they join choir.


The cool teacher Ms. Astri!

Ms. Astri is a cool teacher, she is sitting in the teachers corner.
